Our Mission
The mission of the Hillcrest Residents Association is to encourage a sense of community, preserve historic character, promote safety, protect the parks, and support the neighborhood schools and commercial district in Hillcrest.

From the President
Welcome to the Hillcrest Residents Association!
In Hillcrest, we all feel a great sense of pride in our historic homes, our beautiful parks, our local shops, amazing restaurants, and especially our exceptional neighbors who call Hillcrest home. You know you live in a special place when it takes you two hours to “run to Kroger” or cannot walk down the business district without knocking on a window to wave hello to a familiar face. You know you live in a special place when your neighbor watches your house when you're out of town, or drops by a little gift of something newly baked. No matter how isolated we have felt over the last few years, in Hillcrest, you always know that you are not alone.
We embrace the stereotypes of a Hillcrestian. A little artsy, a little eclectic, a little eccentric. But we do so knowing that a hand outstretched means more than a closed fist. That the well-being of our friends is as important as our own, that when our neighbors thrive, so do we.
In the daily grind of raising a family or growing our business, we can always stop and take great pride in this place we call home.
Pittman Ware
HRA Board President
Board Accomplishments
Arts & Aesthetics
Established a committee to bring more art to our neighborhood
Hosted an art forum that included many artists to collaborate and prioritize programs
Chose three projects to focus on in the immediate future:
Neighborhood mural​
Art to call attention to key crosswalks
Expansion of Crest Park
Communication and Outreach
Established a strong media presence through weekly eblasts and our Facebook page
Posted Facebook content with meetings reminders; events; community issues and opportunities; local business promotions; local schools’ promotions and events; and preservation and history
Currently updating our website to be a better resource for Hillcrest issues and activities
Preservation and Planning
Preservation and Planning Committee established.
Created a Design Ordinance Committee
DOD recommendations were established and passed by HRA Board
Created a Design Overlay District flyer for which we won the Preserve Arkansas’s 2020 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Preservation
Preservation & Planning Advocacy
Created and distributed the Historic Neighborhood Design Handbook for which we won the Preserve Arkansas’s 2020 Outstanding Achievement in Preservation Education
Hosted DOD forums with community
Worked with the City of Little Rock to acquire sculpture on promenade, as well as a donation and advocacy for the project.
At least two clean up and planting work-days in Allsopp Park and Knoop
Sponsorship of memorial bench in Knoop Park
Supported and advocated for bicycle path in Allsopp Park
Hosted drive by party for Hillcrest graduates and purchased and displayed banners.
Supported several school programs and projects
Sponsorship of school programs and events
Schools Advocacy
Lobbied LRSD leadership for rezoning of schools
Sponsored and advocated at HarvestFest
Held forums and submitted input to City on Short-Term Rental policy in Little Rock
Held Forum on UAMS construction and street changes
Increased membership by 150% building a stronger, more diverse voice for our neighborhood
Developed a recruitment plan to continue building membership
Began automatic invoices for annual membership renewals
Organizational Accomplishments
Purchased Zoom account and established protocol for virtual meetings, continuing all meetings during pandemic.
Safety Committee meetings with local police and other groups
New by-laws developed and approved
Pittman Ware​
Vice President
Antoinette Johnson
April Panian
Jan Hollenberg
Board Members
Janet Flegal
Rob Hodge
Mike Jackson
Antoinette Johnson
Laurel Lawrence
April Panian
Matt Price
Caroline Reddmann
Karen Ryall
Austin Sanders
Jessica Bartnik Saunders
Steele Strauss
Pittman Ware
HMA Liaison
Karen Konarski-Hart
Executive Committee
​Chair: Pittman Ware
Arts & Aesthetics
Co- Chairs: Marian Boyd & Tommy Jameson
​Chair: Caroline Reddmann
Design Overlay District
Chair: Bruce McMath
Chair: Karen Ryall
Chair: Daniel Bryant
Preservation & Planning
Chair: Bob Keltner
Chair: Alex Winans
Chair: Jessica Bartnik Saunders