Hillcrest Residents Association DOD Special Public Meeting - Everyone Welcome
Mon, Jan 30
|Little Rock
DOD Discussion at Hillcrest Hall on Sunday, January 30th https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82008921256

Time & Location
Jan 30, 2023, 6:00 PM
Little Rock, 1501 Kavanaugh Blvd, Little Rock, AR 72205, USA
About The Event
The purpose of the Hillcrest Design Overlay District (DOD) is to help maintain the built environment in a neighborhood that is rich in history and architectural character, and consists of both a vital residential area and a thriving commercial sector. In order to preserve and enhance those qualities, it is important to preserve the compatible design and scale of buildings, parking areas, signage, landscaping, streetscapes, and street furnishings of the neighborhood to continue the friendly, pedestrian-oriented, “small town” nature of Hillcrest.
Hillcrest Design Overlay District Statement of Purpose
Many of you know that the HRA has been considering updates to the Hillcrest Design Overlay District (DOD) for the last few years, and the DOD committee has made its final recommendations to the Board. These recommendations come after three years of deliberation, input from many public meetings, and several compromises based on suggestions from residents.
You can find the final DOD compromise recommendations on our website at https://www.hillcrestresidents.com/design-overlay-district.
The next step is for the HRA Board to decide whether or not to forward these recommendations to the Little Rock Planning Commission for incorporation into the City Ordinance. If the Board decides to forward the recommendations, the City will then initiate a process that will include public input from residents.
Before voting on the current recommendations, the HRA Board would like to conduct a special meeting at Hillcrest Hall on January 30 at 6pm ( Zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82008921256 ), to review the final DOD recommendations with residents and explain the City process of implementation. Individual Hillcrest residents will be given the opportunity to briefly speak (time limit 2 minutes) to express support or opposition to the recommendations. Residents may also submit responses on the HRA website at: https://www.hillcrestresidents.com/contact-4
Please spread the word and ask neighbors and friends to sign up for our E blast, and like our Facebook page for in order to participate in this important decision for our neighborhood.